Image Sensor Simulator Upgrade

First, we would like to thank everyone who has given us feedback about our image sensor simulator. Based on the feedback we have added couple new features to it, i.e. Point Spread Function (PSF) to simulate cross-talk and pixel size which is now decoupled from light intensity and dark current settings.

Cross-talk can be divided to different components such as optical cross-talk and diffusion cross-talk. In the simulator, however, all cross-talk is determined by one single parameter, i.e. PSF standard deviation. Cross-talk is also assumed to be constant in the whole image sensor area (typically optical cross-talk is most severe on the edges of the sensor area, but here we don’t simulate optics).

Diffusion cross-talk is resulted in when photons are absorbed and generated electrons diffuse to the neighboring pixels. In order to avoid diffusion cross-talk the modern Back-Side Illuminated (BSI) consumer image sensors are typically very thin. In order to improve the sensitivity for Near Infra Red (NIR) radiation a considerably thicker sensor is required which, however, increases the cross-talk substantially unless a fully depleted sensor design is utilized. Consequently, in applications requiring good sensitivity for both NIR and visible light a fully depleted thick BSI sensor is optimal.

You can find our simulator here. We hope that the ability to simulate cross-talk makes our simulator a more practical tool. If you have any questions about it please post a comment. Any feedback is welcome.

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